Asbury United Methodist Church

Windows Page


The origins of the first stained glass windows are lost in history. The technique probably came from jewelry making, cloisonné and mosaics. Stained glass windows as we know them, seemed to arise when substantial church building began. By the 10th century, depictions of Christ and biblical scenes were found in French and German churches and decorative designs found in England.

A Church's Window
 Is A  Picture In To It's
Heart & Soul

Windows #1The Choir windows, looking straight a head you find the main  in front of the pulpit. Windows # 2 is to your right, and is the longest full window set in our building. They depict three scene in the life of Jesus



Windows # 3 is to your rear, the balcony windows and is one of two split window sets in our building. They are split with the balcony between them. Windows # 4 is to your left, know as The Sunday School windows and is second of two split window sets in our building. They are split with the Sunday School balcony behind the folding doors.

Minister's Office

Know as the Minister's windows, one because they are in the Pastor's office and secondly, they are etched with the name of past minister of Asbury United Methodist Church


The Pastor's window sits out side of the Pastor's office across from the entrance door These pair of windows are facing the front entrance of both vestibules, They are visible when you look up going up the front stairs

March 19, 2016
Page & art work by Igor1023  All rights reserved   ®