Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church
Marks 100 Years

In the summer of 1910 the United States and the world was on a roll in the mist of the Industrial Era.
The City of Crisfield was the second largest City in the State of Maryland.

 In a world full of prosperity The Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church in Crisfield readied to celebrate its One Hundredth Year of service to the community of Crisfield.
 In 1910, William Howard Taft was The President of the United States, Pius X was Pope and life was good! The world’s population was 92,407,000 our average salary is $750.00 a week. The national debt was $1.15 Million and milk cost .32 cents a gallon.
 Wall Street's Dow Jones Industrial Average closed December 31 at 81.36, down from 99.05 at the end of 1909.

So in the summer of 1910 The Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church under the direction of Reverend Dr. T.A.H. O’Brien, Pastor celebrated their One Hundredth Anniversary with the opening ceremony.

Sunday, August 7, 1910


 At 8:30AM our day began with a Love Feast hosted by Reverend H.S. Dulaney, Pastor 1904-1906; followed by our 10:00AM sermon from Reverend Thomas L Poulson, D.D. & Annamessex Circuit Preacher in 1857.
 At 2:00PM a Sabbath School Rally with Superintendent W.E. Ward in chare was presented with the address given by Hon. T.S. Hodson, Jr. Asbury Pastor 1864 & Superintendent of Sunday Schools 1871. As evening approached the festivities were concluded with the 7:30PM sermon by Reverend C.T. Wyatt, D.D., Pastor in 1896-1897

August 8, 1910 August 9, 1910

7:30PM Sermon
 Reverend Geo. W Townsend, Pastor

7:30PM Sermon
 Reverend C.T. Wyatt, Pastor

August 10, 1910 August 11, 1910

7:30PM Sermon
 Reverend Geo. W Townsend, Pastor

7:30PM Sermon
 Reverend Robert Wyatt, D.D. Superintendent of Easton 1877-1878

August 12, 1910 August 13, 1910

7:30PM Sermon
 Reverend W.F. Corkran, D.D. Pastor

7:30PM Sermon
The 2nd Quarterly Conference was held

Sunday, August 14, 1910

 At 8:30AM our day began with a Love Feast Hosted by Reverend George P. Jones, District Superintendent in Charge; followed by our 10:00AM sermon from Reverend W.F. Corkran, D.D.

 At 2:00PM, Sunday School was presented with Superintendent W.E. Ward in charge. After Sunday School, we adjourned to the location of the former home of one of our founders Mr. Hance Lawson for a short service. Mr Lawson's home (which is now an empty lot) was the site of the organization of our church society in 1810, by then Pastor Thomas Carron.

 We ended our day of worship with an evening sermon at 7:30PM by Reverend George P. Jones, District Superintendent in Charge.

August 15, 1910

August 16, 1910 August 17, 1910

7:30PM Sermon
Reverend H.G.Budd, .D. Pastor Immanuel M.E. Church, Crisfield

7:30PM Sermon
Reverend T.E. Terry  Pastor

7:30PM Sermon
Reverend T.E. Terry


So as the week drew to a close so has our One Hundredth Century Celebration with eleven glorious days of worship.  With warm friendship, we bid you ado.
We look forward to seeing you one hundred years from now to help celebrate our Two Hundredth Anniversary. Starting off in April and running through the year culminating with our Homecoming on November 7, 2010.  See You There!

Officers of School

Mr. W. E. Ward,                              Superintendent
Mr. T. B. Tyler,                                Assistant & Treasurer
Mr. Wellington Tawes,                  Secretary
Mr. Warren F. Sterling,                 Missionary Treasurer
Mrs. Lillie Nelson,                           Pianist
Miss Julia Sterling,                         Assistant Pianist
Mrs. Jennie Moore,                         Superintendent, Boys Primary Department
Mrs. Irine Ward ,                           Superintendent, Girls Primary Department



Miss Bulah Ward Mrs. Manie Sterling
Miss Louise Sterling Miss Julia Sterling
Mrs. Lillie Lawson Mrs. Josie Thornton
Mrs. Doshia Ward Miss Helen Wilson
Miss Jennie Sterling Mr. W. E. Ward
Mr. Frederick Ward Mrs. Lottie Lawson
Mrs. M.C. O'Brien Mrs. Delia Sterling
Mrs. Lillie Nelson Miss Beatrice Nelson
Mr. Brady Riggin Mr. J. B. Tawes
Mrs. Alice V. Sterling Rev. Dr. T. A. H. O'Brien

   Date; April 03, 2010
Page & art work by Igor1023
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Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church
circa 1907The building pictured to the left was our church for the better part of our first Century!